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Since the implementation of Banner, we have never established a retention policy for Banner batch processing input and output files. The accumulation of batch processing files not only consumes a significant amount of storage but can also pose a security risk. In order to address these concerns, we will be implementing a 45-day retention policy for all Banner batch processing input and output files effective June 1, 2022.


Banner batch processing input and output files include the following:


  • All Banner batch job output stored in the Banner database. Batch job output is stored in the Banner database when “DATABASE” is specified as the Printer value on the Process Submission Controls page (GJAPCTL). This output is accessed using the Banner Administrative Saved Output Review page (GJIREVO).

  • All Banner batch job output stored on the Banner batch server in the default batch job output directory (aka “the gurjobs directory”). This includes LIS and LOG files and any other associated batch job output.

  • All Banner batch job input and output files stored on the “Banner shared storage.” The Banner shared storage is used for uploading batch job input files and downloading output files. These files are normally uploaded and downloaded using FTP ( and an FTP tool like WinSCP.

  • All Banner batch job input files uploaded using the Banner Administrative File Upload Profile page (GUAUPLP).

If you need to store input or output files beyond the 45-day timeframe, we recommend using ePrint, the “Banner secure drive” or another secure storage location.


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