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  1. Any owner of a Global Group has access to add owners or members to the group. Please contact an owner to see about getting added to the group.

  2. As an owner, if you have access to your IDMS Account.

    1. Login in to your schools system:

        1. O-Key

        2. C-Key

        3. Gold Key

        4. Aggie Access

        5. Lion Key

    2. Select Global Group Admin on the left side of the page.

    3. On the next page, a list of the Global Groups should appear.

    4. Locate the Global Group to be manipulated by using the drop-down arrow.

    5. Click the Continue button.

    6. Click the Add Global Group Owner button or the Add Member button.

    7. Search for and add the new owner or member.

    8. Save the Global Group after making changes.

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