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Create passwords with emphasis on security.  Weak or easily deciphered passwords are not suggested.  When generating your account password you will have a choice of selecting a generated password or entering your own which complies with password complexity rules.  


Your password must:

  • Be a MAXIMUM of 32 characters long

  • Be a MINIMUM of 8 characters long

  • Contain at least 1 uppercase letter

  • Contain at least 1 lowercase letter

  • Contain at least 1 number

  • Not contain dictionary words

  • Not contain spaces

  • Not be one of the last 4 passwords used

  • Not be one of the passwords that were used in the past 8 days.

  • May contain any of the following special characters: 

    ~, !, @, #, $, ^, *, (, ), _, +, =, -,?,,,.


Do not share your account password with anyone.  Should someone get a hold of your password, and knows your login address, that person has the key to sites that hold your financial information (grants, awards, etc), what courses you are attending and where, access to your Bursar account, access to your school email account, etc.  It is suggested that you not use your OSU credentials to set up external accounts such as personal banking accounts.  If, at any time, you believe that your account credentials have been compromised you will want to contact the IT Helpdesk at or at 405-744-4357 (HELP).  You will want to change your account password as soon as possible.

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