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Enterprise Information Technology

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  1. Login in to your schools system:

    1. O-Key

    2. C-Key

    3. Gold Key

    4. Aggie Access

    5. Lion Key

  2. On the left hand side of your personal profile page (near the bottom) you should see a link called Email Distribution Admin.

  3. Click on the Email Distribution Admin link

  4. On the next page click on the Add Email Distribution Owner button.

  5. On the next page use the drop down menu to locate the email distribution list that you need to manipulate. If you own many distribution lists, consider filtering by campus then searching for the distribution list.

  6. On the next page search for the person that you wish to add (using the email address may likely be the best search criteria to use.)

  7. On the next page select the person that the system located by clicking on the Radio Button (the circle next to the person’s name.)

  8. Click on the Save button.