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The Microsoft Outlook app is the recommended way to access your Cowboy Mail and calendar on your iOS device.

  1. On your mobile device, go to the App store and install Microsoft Outlook.  Once it is installed, open the app.

    Microsfot Outlook on the Apple App Store
  2. The app may detect that you have another account with another service already set up on your device. In this case, tap “Skip”.

    1 Account Found. Add Account? Skip.
  3. If no accounts are listed, enter your OSU Email Address and tap Add Account.
    No accounts listed - Add account with

  4. This will redirect you to the OSU Authentication page. Enter your password and tap Sign in.
    OSU Authentication page - Password entry

  5. MFA users: If you use MFA, you will be prompted to use Duo verification. If you use push verification, you will need to push the Login Request to verify.
    Duo screen "Send me a push"

  6. MFA Users: Accept the login request.
    Duo Approve login

  7. Your account is now setup. You will be asked if you’d like to set up another account, tap “Maybe Later”. Note: You can add other accounts later if desired.
    Set up additional account screen

  8. Your email is ready to use!

SVG directory not found.