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The following instructions will detail how to activate a Resource Account. These actions can be performed by either the Primary or Secondary Owner(s). The three activation sections include Resource Information, E-mail, and Password.

  • As an assigned Owner of the Service Account, you will access your personal O-Key profile via If asked, please confirm your emergency contact information.
  • From within your O-key profile, click on “Service Accounts” on the left pane.
  • Choose the appropriate Service Account listed by clicking on the “Activate” link in the Activate/Modify column.
  • From the resulting “Resource Information” form, enter/choose the following information:
    • Enter the Account Name (This is the display name that will show in the Exchange Global Address List (GAL). The default value that is displayed in the field when the Service Account is being activated is the Service Account UID, the value that was put into PUD when the Service Account was created.) The Account Name MUST be edited to include the first three characters of the campus to which it belongs.
    • Choose Yes or No if you would like this Service Account to be displayed in the Exchange Address List.
    • The Service Account Description is a non-editable field. This is the information that the O-Key Administrator entered when the Service Account was created. If you would like to modify this information, please contact on O-Key Administrator.
    • Enter any additional notes about this Service Account. Click the Next button. This page is using the following validation rules:
      • If the Account Name field is blank, you will see the following error message: "An account name is required".
      • If the first three letters of the Account Name is not a campus abbreviation, you will see the following error message: The first three letters of this account must begin with the name of the campus. Please pre-pend the Account Name with STW_, CHS_, TUL_, OKM_, OKC_, NEO_, LU_, CSC_, PSU_, or NOC_ as appropriate.
      • If the account name does not contain an underscore after the campus abbreviation, you will see the following error message: “ERROR: The display name must contain an underscore after the campus abbreviation.” The display name MUST contain an underscore after the campus abbreviation.
    • The next page in the activation wizard is the “O-Key Email Address” form.
      • Enter an email address and re-enter to confirm. The default value that is displayed in the field when the Service Account is being activated is the Service Account UID, the value that was put into PUD when the Service Account was created. Edit this value if you would like a different email address.
      • After entering the e-mail address, click the Next button. This page is using the following validation rules:
        • If this field is blank, you will see the following error message: "Please enter an email address".
        • If the email address in the first text box does not match the email address in the second text box, you will see the following error message: "Your email addresses do not match. Please re-enter your email address."
        • If the email address selected is already being used by another user, you will see the following error message: "The email address selected already exists. Please select another email."
        • If the email address contains prohibited words, you will see the following error message: "The email address contains a prohibited word. Please remove it"
      • The next page in the activation wizard is the “O-Key Password” form. You have the choice to use one of the four generated passwords or enter your own. NOTE: If choosing your own password, please ensure that the password adheres to the published password complexity standards.
        • After choosing or entering a password, click the Next button. This page is using the following validation rules:
          • If nothing is selected or entered, you will see a pop up window with a message that says: "Please select a password or enter your own."
          • If the length of the password entered is smaller than eight characters, you will see the following error message: "The password entered must be greater than 8 characters".
          • If the password entered does not contain an upper-case character, you will see the following error message: "The password entered does not contain an upper-case character".
          • If the password entered does not contain a number, you will see the following error message: "The password entered does not contain a number".
          • If the password entered in the first text box does not match the password in the second text box, you will see the following error message: "The passwords do not match. Please reenter your password".
          • If the password entered contains a dictionary word, you will see the following error message: "The password entered contains a dictionary word. The word is: "
          • If the password entered contains a space, you will see the following error message: "The password entered contains a space".
          • If the password entered is one of the last four passwords previously entered or it has been used in the last eight days, you will see the following error message: "The password chosen is one of the last 4 passwords previously used or it has been used in the last 8 days."
        • The next page is the Resource Account Profile. This indicates that you have successfully completed the wizard. The Profile will list all information pertaining to that Service Account. If necessary, share the information with all owners of the account.
        • Please note that a Secondary Owner is required for all Service Accounts.


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