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What is multifactor authentication?

Multifactor authentication is a method of enhancing the traditional user ID/password combination that has been used for years. DUO provides multifactor authentication (MFA). Multifactor Authentication increases the security of an account by requiring a user to provide multiple forms of authentication. This generally includes something you know (a password) and something you have (such as a mobile device). Because both are required for a successful login, this protects an account by reducing the likelihood of an attacker successfully logging in. The attacker would need to know the user’s password and have access to a physical device that provides the secondary factor in order to complete a successful login.

Why is multifactor authentication important to OSU?

Securing OSU’s computing environment is more important now than ever. Historically, one of the most often used methods to compromise computer systems is through individual’s user ID’s and passwords.


Getting Started

A user can log into the OSU Duo portal using their O-Key username and password. Once they log in they are able to sign up for Duo, add a new device, or manage existing devices.

Setup Instructions

The Step-by-step instructions available include directions for both new Duo users and existing users.


New Duo User Instructions


Existing Duo User Instructions


The general steps are:

  1. Log onto the OSU Duo Portal using your O-Key credentials.

  2. Select Add Devices

    1. If a device is already set up for your account you will need to authenticate using that method before proceeding to manage your devices.

  3. Select the type of device you are adding.

  4. Follow on-screen prompts (detailed in the specific help entries)

We recommend each user adds a backup device for times where the primary one is not available to them. We also recommend that users set the "When I log in" option to "automatically send this device a Duo Push." Duo Push is the preferred method when using MFA. 

Available to


  • Oklahoma State University Stillwater

  • Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology (Okmulgee)

  • Oklahoma State University Tulsa

  • Oklahoma State University OKC

  • Connors State College

  • Langston University

  • Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College

  • Oklahoma Panhandle State University


  • Faculty

  • Staff

  • Students *

  • Associates

  • Alumni

*Accounts for people who have applied to any of the campuses but are not accepted are not covered under the license.

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